Now you will work in my_env virtual environment. After run below command successfully, there will add a folder my_env in current folder. Installing collected packages: virtualenv
Install Python virtualven library use pip.To learn more about Python virtualenv, you can read article How To Install Python Django In Virtual Environment. Now we will do this in a new virtual Python environment use Python virtualenv module. PIP install command provide a -r argument, we can provide above requirements.txt file path as the value to the -r argument, then it will install all packages written in the requirements.txt file. Use PIP To Install Python Packages From Requirements.txt File. Create a text file to save above packages list in it.From above output, we can see that two packages has been installed in current Windows OS machine.Open a terminal and run pip freeze command to do it. First we need to collect all packages that has been installed on current machine.Collect Current Installed Python Packages.